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When it comes to representational art, a painting's success greatly depends on what it is we're looking at.  Painting can be quite difficult, or quite easy, depending on how you approach it & prepare for it.


This 52 minute demo shows how to imagine an idea, then use photography or video, combined with a few tricks in your computer, to make your vision come to life!


The biggest benefit is all the time saved, and frustration avoided by having an image very close to what you actually imagine!


You also won't have to rely on using the work of other photographers (often illegal), or only what you can acquire from real life models & backgrounds.  Possibilities are limitless!


Jeffry shows us step by step how an idea is created and made ready to paint!  Today's technology makes it much easier, and cheaper to accomplish this.  Jeffry also explains what software features are most helpful when creating an image to paint from – which is different than photos made for their own sake.

Software under $20, and even free downloads can accommodate most of what we need - a worthy investment!


Jeffry also explains all other required information - such as lighting used, composition fundamentals, and how to shoot an image of your painting at mid-stage to try out more ideas - again saving time and frustration.


Bonus Video:

  • “Understanding Artist’s Perspective” Video

“Understanding Perspective” starts by explaining what the rules of perspective were actually based on.  Once this simple information is understood, painters can paint & draw 3-dimensional, true to life compositions, compose ideas from their imagination, and combine different photos into 1 customized composition.


Get this Computer Composition Tutorial + Artist's Perspective DVD for only a $20 donation!

Reference Computer Composition Demo

SKU: com001

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